Merrill J. Fernando – In Memoriam

The First Year Anniversary

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Surrounded by his sons and grandchildren, iconic Teamaker, Disrupter and Servant Merrill J. Fernando passed away in Colombo, 20th July 2023. The visionary founder of Dilmah Ceylon Tea Company’s greatness was in his invincible faith, his integrity and love for tea & family. With devotion and urgency he pursued his desire for integrity and quality with humility and kindness. His achievement in disrupting an exploitative colonial industry irrevocably changed the lives of producers around the world introducing a paradigm shift in ethical business before ethics and sustainable business acquired the prominence they have now.

Merrill J Fernando's passing was met with an overwhelming, global outpouring of emotion, mostly from ordinary children, women and men who had been touched by his philosophy of kindness. We share this in appreciation of all who joined the Dilmah Family in their grief and in Memory of the person known as Teamaker, Disrupter and Servant, whose Cup of Kindness touched the lives of so many, and whose legacy will continue.

Memorial Services

On the 94th anniversary of our founder Merrill J. Fernando's birth, we celebrate the enduring legacy of kindness he instilled in every sip of Dilmah tea and every moment of hospitality.

Check out the video to see how the impact of his legacy lives on.

Thoughts and Condolences

Tribute to Merrill J Fernando by Eran Wickramaratne MP speaking in the Parliament of Sri Lanka on 21st July, 2023

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